by Joe Duchesne | | Notre raison d'être
Je récoltais mon jardin aujourd’hui. J’aime jardiner. Ça me relaxe de travailler la terre. Il y a quelque chose de spécial à me salir les main et à prendre soin d’un jardin qui me rapproche de Dieu. Il y a tellement de connaissances et de leçons...
by Joe Duchesne | | Identité, Liberté en Jésus
En tant que pasteur je conseille plusieurs gens qui souffre de solitude et qui désire désespérément rencontrer l’âme soeur. La solitude les rongent et il semble qu’ils ne pensent qu’à rencontrer quelqu’un et ce, à n’importe quel prix....
by Joe Duchesne | | Freedom in Jesus, Identity
As a pastor I counsel many people who are lonely and who desperately want to find Mr or Mrs right. Loneliness is eating away at them and it seems that all they can think about is being with someone almost at any cost. Their peace is gone. Their sense of well being is...
by Joe Duchesne | | Salvation, Relationships, Identity, Family
What kind of memories do you have of your earthly father? Mine include family swims at the beach, fishing at all hours of the day (since my dad loved to fish), going on vacations among many. My father’s life story is far too long to post in a 500-600 word post...
by Joe Duchesne | | Videos
A lot of people have all kinds of ideas and opinions about the Bible. A lot of people say that it’s a ancient dusty book that has got nothing to do with my daily life. Others, like Christians, consider it a supernatural book and a very present help in times of...