by Joe Duchesne | | Salvation
I was on a blog recently that was discussing the new pope Francis and his new approach towards the poor and towards people groups and religions that may not have been as friendly to the Roman Catholic Church as in the past. Pope Francis as pretty much all popes in...
by Joe Duchesne | | Rapture - Second Coming
I my previous article entitled, Rapture, Second Chances and the End of the World, we talked about the concept of second chances and whether it was biblical. Much more could be said on that topic but in this article we’ll examine the concept of Jesus coming like...
by Joe Duchesne | | Rapture - Second Coming
In our last article we defined what the tribulation is. We saw how there are three groups of thought on what will happen to the saints in relation to the great tribulation. We saw how the pre-trib people believe that God will rapture his church before they have to...
by Joe Duchesne | | Rapture - Second Coming
A large number of Christians today believe in the Rapture doctrine as taught by Tim LeHaye in the Left Behind series and other Christian leaders. The Rapture, as they would call it, is a time in the future where Jesus Christ will secretly remove all faithful, bible...
by Joe Duchesne | | Salut
Dernièrement j’ai été sur un cheminement personnel. Dieu m’a montré ma vie intérieur et je dois admettre que ce n’est pas tout à fait beau. Mon Pére m’a montré comment fondamentallement brisé je suis en temps que humain. Je peut totallement...