by Joseph Duchesne | | Mission
I live in Canada where we have an unbelievable amount of freedom and riches. I don’t have to worry about whether or not I’m going to eat today. I’m not concerned about my personal freedom to worship God how I see fit. I generally don’t fear for...
by Joseph Duchesne | | End Time Preparation
According to bible prophecy we are living at the end of time. There really isn’t very much left to be fulfilled before Jesus can return. If you read Matthew 24 you’ll find everything Jesus predicted there happening today. When we examine the prophecies of...
by Joseph Duchesne | | Second Coming
Another summer is upon us and we are once again getting hit by widespread heat waves across the United States and the world… Climate change advocates tell us that we can expect to see many more of these earthquakes going forward due to mankind’s having...
by Joseph Duchesne | | End Time Prophecy
Lately I’ve had some conversations with some people who tell me that should be focusing more on giving people specific advice on how to physically prepare for the coming crisis and the end of the world. I do struggle with not falling into the...
by Joseph Duchesne | | Mission
I’m writing this on Saturday, May 21st, the beginning of the end of the world according to the Family Radio Network and its founder, Harold Camping. Now while it is highly unlikely that this is the end, there is no question that we are living in the time of the...