by Joe Duchesne | | Identity, Salvation
The book of Romans spends the first three chapters establishing that all of humanity, both Jews (God’s original people) and Gentiles are all evil. Romans 3:23 sums it up well, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” A few verses...
by Joe Duchesne | | Our Purpose in Life, Relationships, Identity
Are you aware of all of the blessings in your life right now? As I think about my life I have much to be thankful for. God has given me a loving wife that I find attractive in so many ways. He has given me three children who bring me joy every day and who are in good...
by Joe Duchesne | | Salvation, Freedom in Jesus, Identity
It’s Your Choice, I Won’t Force You! God never resorts to brute force to get us to do anything. He is love. Love doesn’t force another’s will or it isn’t really love. If you want the best description in the Bible on what God’s love...
by Joe Duchesne | | Freedom in Jesus, Identity
As a pastor I counsel many people who are lonely and who desperately want to find Mr or Mrs right. Loneliness is eating away at them and it seems that all they can think about is being with someone almost at any cost. Their peace is gone. Their sense of well being is...
by Joe Duchesne | | Salvation, Relationships, Identity, Family
What kind of memories do you have of your earthly father? Mine include family swims at the beach, fishing at all hours of the day (since my dad loved to fish), going on vacations among many. My father’s life story is far too long to post in a 500-600 word post...
by Joe Duchesne | | Identity
Ok, I’ll admit it. I’ve always been intrigued with space stories and science fiction in general. The idea that man could one day travel to the stars or to Mars in space ships easily captures one’s imagination. In my teen years Star Trek: Next...