Why Do We Experience Pain and Suffering?

Why Do We Experience Pain and Suffering?

I've been on a personal journey of late. God has been showing me my inner life and I have to admit that it hasn't been pretty. Father has shown me how fundamentally broken I am as a human being. I can totally relate to the apostle Paul in Romans 7. "For I do not...

Why Do We Experience Pain and Suffering?

Pourquoi la douleur et la souffrance?

Dernièrement j'ai été sur un cheminement personnel.  Dieu m'a montré ma vie intérieur et je dois admettre que ce n'est pas tout à fait beau.  Mon Pére m'a montré comment fondamentallement brisé je suis en temps que humain.  Je peut totallement m'associer avec l'apôtre...

Why Do We Experience Pain and Suffering?

Do You Have the Courage to be Real?

I've been on a personal journey of late. God has been showing me my inner life and I have to admit that it hasn't been pretty. Father has shown me how fundamentally broken I am as a human being. I can totally relate to the apostle Paul in Romans 7. "For I do not...