Are you guilty of this sin and don’t even know it?
For, as it is written, “The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.” - Romans 2:24 The Bible isn't short on naming sins. You can find lists of sins in more than one place like in Romans 1:29-31 and Galatians 5:19-21. These and other lists reads...

Êtes-vous Inconsciemment Coupable de ce Péché?
"Car le nom de Dieu est à cause de vous blasphémé parmi les païens, comme cela est écrit." Romains 2:24 La Bible énumère les péchés. Vous pouvez trouver des listes de péchés à plus d'un endroit tel que dans Romains 1:29-31 et Galates 5:19-21. Ces listes et autres...

Who is Getting The Credit in Your Life?
Are you aware of all of the blessings in your life right now? As I think about my life I have much to be thankful for. God has given me a loving wife that I find attractive in so many ways. He has given me three children who bring me joy every day and who are in good...
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