Evolution versus the Bible – Presentation 1
The story of creation as found in the Bible finds itself at odds with the majority view in our culture that is based on the theory of evolution. Christians have found themselves caught up in the battle of two world views. Not wanting to be seen as ignorant or backward, educated Christians have often sought a compromise between two incompatible belief systems.
Science and Evolution as it is taught and practiced today has all the hallmarks of a religion or belief system. Christians must decide which they will believe. Will they maintain their faith in the Bible or will they allow science to interpret the bible?

Why The Star Trek Worldview is Wrong About the Future of Humanity
Ok, I'll admit it. I've always been intrigued with space stories and science fiction in general. The idea that man could one day travel to the stars or to Mars in space ships easily captures one's imagination. In my teen years Star Trek: Next Generation was a show I...
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