by Joe Duchesne | | Salvation, End Time Preparation, Errors of Babylon
Lately I’ve been asked to counsel people on various different theories and teachings. These teachings have honestly been all over the map but they all have some common points. Most of these teachers are well versed in scripture. They can quote the Bible with the...
by Joseph Duchesne | | End Time Prophecy
Have you ever given any thought about the image of Jesus used around the world? Show the typical picture of Jesus to children who attend church and they’ll recognize Jesus’ likeness… But is this image a true representation of what Jesus looks like?...
by Joseph Duchesne | | End Time Prophecy
We have been discussing the Antichrist and the doctrine of the antichrist. If you haven’t read the previous three parts on this topic you owe it to yourself to do so. Jumping in to this fourth part without understanding the foundation we’ve been laying...
by Joseph Duchesne | | End Time Prophecy, Salvation
In part 1 and part 2 of this topic we’ve delved into the various parts of what John states is the antichrist and have been laying a foundation for this third part that will reveal a startling truth. Wonderful good news about Jesus that the vast majority of the...
by Joseph Duchesne | | Salvation, End Time Prophecy
This article is a continuation of part 1 of Antichrist and Jesus coming in the Flesh? In that first part we looked at how the term for flesh has been misunderstood by too many Christians today. They think that the mention of the antichrist denying that Jesus came in...