by Joseph Duchesne | | Salvation, Prayer
When we don’t understand that impact that prayer has in a Christian’s life it could be easy to marginalize it. See it as not that important. One of many things we need to do. Another thing to add to our already busy schedules. Something we know we should...
by Joseph Duchesne | | Second Coming
Most people don’t look forward to the end of the world. Most people are afraid to think that the world is coming to an end. It is natural for us to be fearful. It is natural to be afraid of the unknown. If we look at the what the Bible has to say about the end...
by Joseph Duchesne | | End Time Prophecy
As we approach 2012 people are naturally wondering if it means the end of the world… If you do any searches on the internet on the subject of 2012 you will find all kinds of views as to what will happen. It ranges on everything from absolutely nothing to the...
by Joseph Duchesne | | End Time Prophecy, Salvation
In part 1 and part 2 of this topic we’ve delved into the various parts of what John states is the antichrist and have been laying a foundation for this third part that will reveal a startling truth. Wonderful good news about Jesus that the vast majority of the...
by Joseph Duchesne | | Salvation, End Time Prophecy
This article is a continuation of part 1 of Antichrist and Jesus coming in the Flesh? In that first part we looked at how the term for flesh has been misunderstood by too many Christians today. They think that the mention of the antichrist denying that Jesus came in...