by Joe Duchesne | | End Time Preparation, Rapture - Second Coming
In previous posts, I’ve talked about what is the tribulation and I’ve also talked about pre-trib, mid-trib and post-trib views. If you haven’t read these acticles, I’d certainly recommend you read them as background to what we are going to talk...
by Joe Duchesne | | Salvation, End Time Preparation, Errors of Babylon
Lately I’ve been asked to counsel people on various different theories and teachings. These teachings have honestly been all over the map but they all have some common points. Most of these teachers are well versed in scripture. They can quote the Bible with the...
by Joseph Duchesne | | End Time Prophecy
Any time we have a major weather phenomenon the question comes up as to whether this weather phenomenon is a sign of the end. Whether we are talking about hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis or nuclear disasters it is natural that people look for answers to these...
by Joseph Duchesne | | End Time Preparation
According to bible prophecy we are living at the end of time. There really isn’t very much left to be fulfilled before Jesus can return. If you read Matthew 24 you’ll find everything Jesus predicted there happening today. When we examine the prophecies of...
by Joseph Duchesne | | End Time Prophecy
Lately I’ve had some conversations with some people who tell me that should be focusing more on giving people specific advice on how to physically prepare for the coming crisis and the end of the world. I do struggle with not falling into the...