by Joseph Duchesne | | End Time Prophecy
Have you ever given any thought about the image of Jesus used around the world? Show the typical picture of Jesus to children who attend church and they’ll recognize Jesus’ likeness… But is this image a true representation of what Jesus looks like?...
by Joseph Duchesne | | End Time Preparation
According to bible prophecy we are living at the end of time. There really isn’t very much left to be fulfilled before Jesus can return. If you read Matthew 24 you’ll find everything Jesus predicted there happening today. When we examine the prophecies of...
by Joseph Duchesne | | End Time Prophecy
Forbes recently put out a list of the 68 most powerful people in the world. Pope Benedict XVI ranks number 5. Of the two religious leaders on this list, pope Benedict XVI ranks 5th and the Dalai Lama 39th. When Forbes put together this list four key questions guided...